
Research reports produced by member institutes of the Scottish Alcohol Research Network.

CoverReport Title
Photovoice as a methodology with people suffering the consequences of alcohol-related harm [download PDF, 210kb]
Report by SHAAP/SARN
Description: Dr Aisha Holloway presented the findings from a research project exploring the lived experiences of people suffering the consequences of alcohol-related harm.
Alcohol pricing and purchasing among heavy drinkers in Edinburgh and Glasgow [download PDF, 353kb]
Summary Report by SHAAP
Description: The study looked at the purchasing behaviour of individuals with alcohol related conditions in NHS settings in Glasgow and Edinburgh. It examined the relationship between heavy drinking and price and deprivation in each city and analysed the effect of current and proposed legislation on their drinking behaviours.
Unrecognised and under-reported: the impact of alcohol on people other than the drinker in Scotland [download PDF, 210kb]
Report by Alcohol Focus Scotland
Description: Research study commissioned by Alcohol Focus Scotland (AFS) in 2012 to better understand the scale and magnitude of alcohol’s harm to people other than the drinker in Scotland.
Process evaluation of Alcohol Brief Interventions in wider settings (Young People and Social Work) [download PDF, 2mb]
Report by University of Stirling
Description: This study aimed to explore the feasibility and acceptability of ABIs delivered to young people and in social work settings. Ten projects took part in the study. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 27 project managers, staff and related stakeholders.
Prison Health Needs Assessment for Alcohol Problems [download PDF, 2mb]
Report by University of Stirling
Description: The report presents the findings from a Scottish study which carried out a needs assessment of alcohol problems experienced by prisoners. The report provides recommendations for service improvement and proposes a model of care.
Scoping Study of Interventions for Offenders with Alcohol Problems [download PDF, 2mb]
Report by MVA Consultancy
Description: The report presents the work from an evaluation aimed to assess the process of implementation of ABIs in Scotland. The work focused largely on primary care but also includes some findings relating to A&E and antenatal settings.

Alcohol and Young People Covershaap-alcohol-and-young-people-conference-report-(final)
Description: This report highlights the recommendations from SHAAP's Alcohol and Young People Conference.