QMJC #5 Write-up

Meeting #5 (March 2021) – Brierley-Jones et al. (2014)

In our fifth meeting on Wednesday 24 March, we discussed Brierley-Jones et al. Habitus of home and traditional drinking: a qualitative analysis of reported middle-class alcohol use. Sociol Health Illn. 2014; 36(7): 1054-76. doi: 10.1111/1467-9566.12145

This qualitative paper explores attitudes, meanings and behaviours in relation to alcohol consumption among professional, managerial and clerical employees. The title clearly conveys the topic, indicating the paper will focus on alcohol use among middle-class people. The authors suggest that members of higher socioeconomic groups may build resistance to harmful effects of alcohol through healthy behaviours (e.g. diet, physical activity) and may not access relevant services until irreversible health damage has occurred. The study draws on Bourdieu’s (1984) conceptual framework, which suggests that choices of food and drink are aligned with one’s position in the class hierarchy. It describes the idea of “habitus” – a set of socially ingrained dispositions and practices, that explain the way people understand and respond to the world around them….. [Read on]

Dr Elena Dimova

Read the full report on the SSA website