Lawrie Elliot

Professor Lawrie Elliott PhD, MA Hons Sociology,
Post-grad Cert Health Economics, Cert Mental Health Nursing.

Phone: 0131 455 5304
Mob: 0750 410 2348
Skype: ‘LawrieElliott1’

Career History

I trained as a Mental Health Nurse in Glasgow (UK) in 1977 and qualified in 1980.  I moved into public health research in the 1990s, became a Senior Lecturer at the University of Dundee (UK) in 1997 and then Reader in 2003.  I became a Professor when I joined Edinburgh Napier University in 2005. I took up my second Professorial post at Glasgow Caledonian University in 2016. 

Areas of expertise

I have a substantial track record in applied Public Health research and published numerous high quality papers including a report with colleagues for the World Health Organisation on health inequalities (2006). My expertise centres on the evaluation of public health interventions which include needle exchange, methadone and sexual health programmes, and community nursing.  Public health nursing research studies include: The Public Health Contribution of Nursing (2001), and Review of Community Nursing Roles (2009-2012). I led the evaluation of national health demonstration project designed to improve the sexual health of young people including vulnerable groups (2013). My current research focuses on reducing Hep-C infection among those who inject drugs, the evaluation of Minimum Unit Pricing among homeless and street drinkers, and an assessment of parenting programmes for families affected by drug use. I am Editor in Chief of the Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. I’ve advised government on addiction, sexual health and community nursing policy. I have obtained over £5 million of research funding in collaboration with my colleagues and contributed to the strategic development of nursing research throughout my career.

Current Grants

  1. Title: An Implementation Science Evaluation of Scotland’s First Heroin Assisted Treatment Facility.
    Collaborators: Dr Andrew McAuley (Glasgow Caledonian University), Dr Matthew Smith (Glasgow Caledonian University), Professor Lawrie Elliott (Glasgow Caledonian University), Professor Paul Flowers (Glasgow University), Professor Sir John Strang (Kings College London), Professor Joanne Neale (Kings College London), Dr Saket Priyadarshi (NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde), Professor Sharon Hutchinson (Glasgow Caledonian University).
    Funder: Chief Scientists Office. October 2019-June 2021 £291K
  2. Title: Optimising Hepatitis C Treatment for People Who Inject Drugs: Developing a GP-led Patient Pathway.
    Collaborators: Dr David Whiteley (Edinburgh Napier University), Lawrie Elliott (Glasgow Caledonian University), Paul Flowers (University of Glasgow), Emma Hamilton (Scottish Drugs Forum), Katherine Davidson (NHS Lothian), Helen Jarvis (Newcastle University), Mike Quinn (NHS Lothian).
    Funder: Chief Scientists Office. July 2019- March 2021 £201k
  3. Title: Assessing the Impact of Minimum Unit Pricing on Homeless and Street Drinkers: A qualitative study.
    Collaborators: Lawrie Elliott and Carol Emslie (Glasgow Caledonian University) in collaboration with Robert Rush (Queen Margaret University), Iain Smith (NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde), Tim Stockwell (University of Victoria Canada), Anne Whittaker (University of Stirling), Sarah Johnsen (Herriot Watt University, and our partners the Glasgow Homeless Network.
    Funder: Chief Scientists Office. July 2019 – Feb 2021. £278K
  4. Title: Evaluating the Population Impact of Hepatitis C Direct Acting Antivral Treatment as Prevention for People Who Inject Drugs (EPIToPe).
    Collaborators: Matt Hickman M (coPI), Sharon Hutchinson (coPI), John Dillon, Daniela De Angelis, Lawrie Elliott, Graham Foster, David Goldberg, Natasha Martin, Ann Eriksen, Peter Donnan, Sema Mandal, Peter Vickerman, William Hollingworth, David Liddell, Paul Flowers, Samreen iIjaz, Magdalena Harris. 
    Partners: University of Bristol, NHS Bristol CCG, Glasgow Caledonian University, University of Dundee, MRC Biostatistics Unit University of Cambridge, Queen Mary University of London, Health Protection Scotland, University of California San Diego, NHS Tayside, Public Health England, Scottish Drugs 2018-22 Forum, LSHTM.
    Funder: NIHR Programme Grant RP-PG-0616-20008. £2.8 million 2018-2022.
  5. Title: Improving Outcomes for Children and Families affected by PATERNAL Substance Misuse: A Feasibility Study of the PARENTS UNDER PRESSURE( PuP) Programme for Fathers.
    Collaborators:  A Wittaker (Edinburgh Napier University), L.Elliott (Glasgow Caledonian University) S Dawe (Griffith University), P Harnett (University of Queensland), Andrew Stoddart (University of Edinburgh), J.Taylor (University of Birmingham), Peter Littlewood (NHS Lothian), Roy Robertson (University of Edinburgh). 
    Funder: National Institute for Health Research Public Health Programme £320K April 2017- Nov 2020 

  6. Title: Drink Wise Age Well: Quasi-Experimental study of a public health intervention for alcohol use among those who are 50 years and over.
    Collaborators: Dr Sarah Wadd (University of Bedfordshire), Lawrie Elliott (Glasgow Caledonian University), Dr Iolo Madoc-Jones (Glyndwr University Wales) and Dr Michael Donnelly (Queen’s University, Northern Ireland), Anne Whittaker (Edinburgh Napier University).
    Funder: Big Lottery £1.25 2015-2020.