Andy recently led the Evaluation of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005, as well as the related sub-study of Test Purchasing and other measures to enforce under-age alcohol sales regulations.
He was also the main researcher on the original Evaluation of the Test Purchasing of Alcohol in Fife Pilot. He is currently leading on the qualitative components of two major collaborative studies with a number of different academic partners.
Remode is the feasibility stage of an RCT examining the effectiveness of Mindfulness Cognitive Behavioural Therapy versus Wellness Recovery Action Planning self-help approaches.
Andy is working with Professor Amanda Amos on the qualitative part of the Determining the Impact of Smoking Point of Sale Legislation Among Youth Study. This will evaluate the impact of the banning of tobacco display promotions at the point of sale in supermarkets (April 2013) and smaller shops (April 2015).
Andy has also carried out many relevant mixed methods and qualitative research projects in the health, central government, local authority and voluntary sectors.
Faculty of Public Health Conference: Dunblane, November 2013: The Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 – how successful was it?
Presentation to the National Licensing Advisory Group: Findings of the evaluation of the Licensing (Scotland) Act, The Scottish Government, July 2013
Royal College of Nursing Conference: Belfast, March 2013: The evaluation of the Scottish Recovery Indicator 1 and 2: Implications for practice.
National Institute for Health Research (NIHR): DISPLAY (Determining the Impact of Smoking Point of Sale Legislation Among Youth). (ScotCen share: £156,000) January 2012 to December 2017
Chief Scientist Office (CSO) Scotland: Feasibility Study for an RCT of Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP) versus Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT); (ScotCen share: £40,000) December 2012 to August 2014.
NHS Health Scotland: Evaluation of the Implementation of, and Compliance with, the objectives of the Licensing (Scotland) Act. (£155,000) January 2010 to June 2013
Research Director, ScotCen Social Research (2005 – present)
Senior Researcher, ScotCen Social Research (2004 – 2005)
Research Manager, Scottish Health Feedback (1998 – 2004)