The full recording of the special Scottish Alcohol Research Network (SARN) and Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) seminar to recognise Dr Eric Carlin’s many contributions as SHAAP Director is now available. Held on Monday 15 November via Zoom.
SARN September 2021 Meeting – Research presentations
The research presentations from the SARN Members’ September 2021 Meeting are now available, which were presented on 28 September 2021 via Zoom.
Danielle Mitchell (Alcohol Focus Scotland / University of Stirling) presented: “How can we improve alcohol labels to help people make healthier choices?”.
- Journal article in Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy: Rapid literature review on the impact of health messaging and product information on alcohol labelling, doi: 10.1080/09687637.2021.1932754
- Report for Alcohol Focus Scotland (AFS) [PDF]
- AFS blog post: How can alcohol labels be improved to help people make informed consumption choices
Justina Murray (Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol & Drugs, SFAD) presented: “Ask the Family! Family Perspectives on Whole Family Support and Family Inclusive Practice”.
To access the full report and explore the ‘virtual exhibition’, please visit:
Blog post on ICARA-led webinar
In August 2021, SARN and SHAAP supported the International Confederation of ATOD Research Associations (ICARA) to hold the last of a series of webinars on the impact of COVID-19 on alcohol, tobacco and other drug research and services.
Attendees were treated to four fantastic presentations unpacking the impact of the pandemic on alcohol consumption and harms in South Africa (Professor Charles Parry), India (Dr. Abhijit Nadkarni), Australia (Dr. Sarah Callinan) and England and Scotland (Professor Niamh Fitzgerald).
In this blog post, Yvette Mojica-Perez (PhD student, La Trobe University) and Dr. Claire Wilkinson (Senior Research Fellow, University of New South Wales & Webinar Chair), provide a summary of each presentation and then discuss some overarching themes.
Read on SHAAP’s Blog.

Alcohol Occasionals event report – 15 June 2021
Greenspace programmes for problem substance use – Wendy Masterton
In our sixth and final Alcohol Occasionals event of 2021 held on Tuesday 15 June, Wendy Masterton, PhD Student, University of Stirling presented her research on greenspace programmes for problem substance use.
You can read the event report on the SHAAP website.
You can also watch the research presentation and the full recording with presentations and discussion/Q+A.
Alcohol Occasionals event report – 1 June 2021
Managed Alcohol Programmes (MAPs) – Dr Hannah Carver & Professor Tessa Parkes
In our fifth Alcohol Occasionals event of 2021 held on Tuesday 1 June, Dr Hannah Carver, Lecturer in Substance Use and Deputy Director of the Salvation Army Centre for Addiction Services and Research (SACASR), University of Stirling & Professor Tessa Parkes, SACASR Director, University of Stirling presented their research on Managed Alcohol Programmes (MAPs).
You can read the event report on the SHAAP website.
You can also watch the research presentation and the full recording with presentations and discussion/Q+A.