Date(s) - 11/09/2018 - 13/09/2018
All Day
Following the successful Alcohol CPD courses held in 2014-2017; the line-up for the 2018 course is now announced, featuring some exciting new inputs. The CPD course is organised by the UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies, led by Dr Niamh Fitzgerald and will this year be held in Bath 11-13 September, 2018. The course is aimed at anyone wishing to gain an in-depth understanding and up to date insight into evidence and innovative practice in alcohol policy in the UK and internationally. Previous participants have included people working in public health, local and national alcohol policy, or alcohol research; from Iceland to New Zealand.
This year’s course will feature inputs from Prof. Anna Gilmore and colleagues from the University of Bath, Dr Carol Emslie from Glasgow Caledonian University, Dr James Nicholls from Alcohol Research UK, and Professor Karine Gallopel-Morvan from the EHESP School of Public Health, France. The course will also welcome the return of highly-rated inputs from leading experts such as Katherine Brown from the Institute of Alcohol Studies and Colin Shevills of Balance North East.
More information about the course and how to register can be found at