Date(s) - 24/04/2014
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) and the Scottish Alcohol Research Network (SARN) invite you to attend the final two seminars in this series on young people. Join us at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh 9, Queen Street Edinburgh, EH2 1JQ on 24th April 2014 and 26th June 2014 from 12.30 – 14.00. Lunch will be provided.
2014 Programme
Date | Speaker | Topic |
24th April 2014 | Dr Magda Pieczka & Emma Wood (Queen Margaret University) | Effecting multilevel change through dialogue: experiences of teenage project leaders in The AlcoLOLs project. |
26th June 2014 | Dr. Richard I. Purves (University of Stirling) | Alcohol Marketing and Young People |
Important: Places for all events are strictly limited and we need you to confirm if you would like to attend these events. You can do this by emailing Anne-Marie Barry to confirm. If you have not booked you will not have a place.
Our next series of seminars will focus on alcohol and mental health. If you are interested in presenting your own research, please get in touch with us at