British Sociological Association Symposium: 22nd April 2016

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Date(s) - 22/04/2016
All Day

Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


The British Sociological Association will be holding an interdisciplinary symposium on the 22nd of April, entitiled: How do different disciplines talk about alcohol and how can we work better together?

The symposium, organised by Eric Carlin (Director of SHAAP), Carol Emslie (Glasgow Caledonian University; Convenor BSA Alcohol Study Group) and Thomas Thurnell-Read (Coventry University: Convenor BSA Alcohol Study Group) will be held at the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh.

The event will host a number of speakers from different disciplines and will focus on topics such as:

Who are the alcohol experts? What counts as ‘evidence’ when we discuss drinking in different disciplines? How do different disciplines approach cross-cutting themes such as social class, gender, ethnicity, age/lifecourse and sexuality and how do they conceptualise drinking across time and in different places?  How can researchers who focus on reducing alcohol-related harm talk to those who are interested in the construction of drinking as a social problem?  How should we view the alcohol industry? What prevents us from working more closely together?

Registration Costs:

  • BSA members £40
  • Non BSA members £45
  • Concessionary (student) BSA members £30
  • Concessionary (student) non BSA members £35

This will undoubtadly be a great event so please don’t forget to register.