Alcohol Research UK Conference 2014

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Date(s) - 18/03/2014
All Day

Royal Overseas League

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The Conference brings together leading figures in global alcohol research to explore the role of drink from childhood through to old age. 

Speakers will consider how alcohol impacts on individuals at all stages in their life as well as how both policy makers and practitioners can respond to the challenges alcohol poses to different age groups.

Keynote speakers

Robin Room is Professor of Alcohol Policy Research at the University of Melbourne and Director of the Centre for Drug and Alcohol Research at Turning Point.  He has contributed to over 30 books and 300 articles and book chapters, and has been an advisor on alcohol to the World Health Organisation since 1975. He is the recipient of numerous awards for his work in the field, including the Jellinek Memorial Award for Alcohol Studies, a Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Public Health Association and the Australian Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence and Outstanding Contribution in Drug and Alcohol Endeavours.

Tim Stockwell is Professor of Psychology at the University of Victoria.  He has published over 200 research papers and is a leading authority on alcohol policy and the impact of minimum unit pricing. He has worked with the UK Department of Health, the World Health Organisation, the United Nations Drug Control programme, and Canada’s National Alcohol Strategy Advisory Committee.  In 2013 Professor Stockwell was awarded the Jellinek Memorial Award for his outstanding work in the field of alcohol research.

Programme information: Alcohol Through the Lifecourse conference programme
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