Alcohol Policy in Scotland and Ireland: European Trailblazers or Celtic Fringe?

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Date(s) - 02/03/2016
11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


Personal invitation to an important seminar and buffet lunch at the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, 11.00 – 14.00, Wednesday 2nd March 2016.

Governments in Scotland and Ireland are pushing forward progressive policies that focus on increasing alcohol price and reducing availability and marketing, in the face of sustained opposition by global alcohol producers.

 As the Scottish Alcohol strategy, “Changing Scotland’s Relationship with Alcohol”, is refreshed and as Ireland introduces a new Alcohol (Public Health) bill, which includes minimum unit pricing (MUP) and is wide ranging in its provisions related to marketing and availability, SHAAP, Alcohol Focus Scotland and Eurocare invite you to hear from experts who are centrally involved in influencing alcohol policies. As well as providing an update on Scottish, Irish and European alcohol challenges and priorities, the findings of the latest MESAS (Monitoring and Evaluating Scotland’s Alcohol Strategy) report, which will have been launched on 1st March 2016, will be presented.


 The event will be chaired by Dr. Peter Rice, Chair of SHAAP (Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems).


 Mariann Skar, Secretary General, Eurocare (The European Alcohol Policy Alliance):

·         Europe and alcohol: challenges and opportunities

Clare Beeston, Principal Public Health Adviser – Evaluation, NHS Health Scotland:

·         MESAS 2016: evaluating Scottish alcohol policy

Alison Douglas, Chief Executive, Alcohol Focus Scotland:

·         Whisky galore? : policy challenges and priorities in Scotland

Suzanne Costello, Chief Executive Officer, Alcohol Action Ireland:

·         Finding the right measure?: policy challenges and priorities in Ireland


 A buffet lunch will be served at 13.00, when there will be an opportunity to discuss further with speakers the issues raised during the seminar.

 Entry is by invitation only and places are limited. If you wish to attend, please confirm by email with Jennifer Fingland – – by 29th February 2016, at latest.