Date(s) - 29/10/2015
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) and the Scottish Alcohol Research Network (SARN) are pleased to announce our programme for the lunchtime ‘Alcohol Occasional’ seminars, 2015-16. These showcase innovative research on alcohol use and provide the chance for researchers, practitioners and policy makers and members of the public to hear and discuss alcohol related topics.
The first Alcohol Occasional will be hosted by Professor Moira Plant, University West of England and Curtin University (Perth, Australia). Professor Plant will be discussing Gender, Alcohol and Culture based on an International Study. The event will be held at The Royal College of Physicians at 12:30pm on the 29/10/2015. Lunch will be provided free of charge.
This is a ticketed event and spaces are limited so please register via EventBrite by clicking here.
A full list of the upcoming Alcohol Occasional Seminars can be seen here.
We look forward to welcoming you.