6th European Alcohol Policy Conference

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Date(s) - 27/11/2014 - 28/11/2014
All Day



Eurocare has the pleasure to announce the 6th European Alcohol Policy Conference which will take place on 27th and 28th November next year (2014).

Eurocare had the honour to organise the 4th European Alcohol Policy Conference in June 2010, building on that success we hope that the 6th European Alcohol Policy Conference will prove a timely catalyst for action for alcohol policy in Europe.

The main aim of the conference is to bring together a broad representation of stakeholders concerned with alcohol related-harm (policy and decision makers, scientists, alcohol and health experts,) in order to strengthen networks, build capacity and stimulate action to prevent and reduce alcohol related problems at all levels.

The conference will aim at raising awareness among the key policy and decision makers of the current burden of alcohol in Europe and the multiple health and social problems it creates.

Several Member States have already confirmed their high level participation.

In addition, this conference will consider the synergies between the current works undertaken by both the European Commission (EC) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) with regards to chronic diseases and alcohol policy. It will explore ways in which cost effective alcohol policies can contribute to creation of sustainable health system savings.

The topics covered will include among others:

  • EU Alcohol Strategy
  • Price and taxation
  • Marketing
  • Harm to others
  • Labelling
  • Joint Action

For more information please contact mariann.skar@eurocare.org