Neglecting the advice of experts in the field and the prioritising of alcohol industry interest has resulted in over 20 NGOs resigning from the EU Alcohol and Health Forum.
The resignations including, Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) have come amidst claims that the failure to provide a coherent alcohol strategy neglects the public health concerns voiced by many member states and will result in an inability to tackle the problems associated with alcohol. This position has been echoed by Scottish First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon during a speech in Brussels on the 2nd of June, in which she argued:
“Some years ago, the Scottish Parliament voted to introduce minimum pricing for alcohol, to tackle alcohol harm in our society.
“Our ability to do that has been challenged, and is currently being considered by Scottish courts and the Court of Justice of the European Union.
“We know from their support for our case that many other member states support us. My view is that the Commission and EU policy should recognise that.
“They should give a higher priority to enabling member states to take the decisions they deem necessary to protect life and promote health.”
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