QMJC #2 Write-up

Meeting #2 (December 2020) – Drabble & Trocki (2014)

In our second meeting on Tuesday 15 December, we discussed Drabble, L. & Trocki, K. (2014). Alcohol in the life narratives of women: Commonalities and differences by sexual orientation. Addiction Research & Theory, 22(3): 186–194. doi: 10.3109/16066359.2013.806651

This qualitative paper explores the role of alcohol in the life narratives of women with different sexual orientations. The introduction explains that alcohol-related problems are higher among sexual minority women, compared to heterosexual women, and provides explanations for why this may be the case. Then the paper highlights a clear gap in previous research – very few studies have explored how sexual minority women perceive the role of alcohol in their lives and how these views and experiences compare to those of heterosexual women. The study is informed by the theory of social representations, which is explained very well. The authors make it easy for a reader, unfamiliar with this theory, to understand it and why it was suitable for this study.… [Read on]

Dr Elena Dimova

Read the full report on the SSA website

Qualitative Methods Journal Club Meeting #4

SARN is supporting Professor Carol Emslie (SARN Co-Chair) and colleagues at the Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) Substance Use Research Group to host a series of the Society for the Study of Addiction (SSA) funded Qualitative Methods Journal Club (QMJC) from November 2020 – April 2021.

The QMJC highlights best practice through its selection of good quality qualitative research papers. After each meeting, a summary of the discussion from the Journal Club will be made available on the SSA website: https://www.addiction-ssa.org/hot-topic/qualitative-methods-journal-club/

In our fourth meeting on Tuesday 23 February 2021 from 2pm-3:15pm on Zoom, we will be discussing:

Thurnell-Read, T. 2011. ‘Common-sense’ research: Senses, emotions and embodiment in researching stag tourism in Eastern Europe. Methodological Innovations Online, 6(3), pp.39-49. Available from: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.4256/mio.2011.005

When reading, please consider / reflect on:

  • The topic: the ‘collective masculine experience’ of the stag weekend
  • Using participant observation to collect data
  • The role of reflexivity in qualitative research
  • Paying attention to emotions, bodily sensations and the senses (e.g. taste, smell, sounds) in alcohol research

You must register to attend:

This event is capped at 50 to encourage active and fruitful discussion. If you are registered to attend, please read and reflect on the above paper and questions before the meeting.

Save the dates

The final two meetings will be on Wednesday 24 March and Tuesday 20 April (also 2-3:15pm).

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Qualitative Methods Journal Club Meeting #3

SARN is supporting Professor Carol Emslie (SARN Co-Chair) and colleagues at the Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) Substance Use Research Group to host a series of the Society for the Study of Addiction (SSA) funded Qualitative Methods Journal Club (QMJC) from November 2020 – April 2021.

The QMJC highlights best practice through its selection of good quality qualitative research papers. After each meeting, a summary of the discussion from the Journal Club will be made available on the SSA website: https://www.addiction-ssa.org/hot-topic/qualitative-methods-journal-club/

In our third meeting on Thursday 14 January 2021 from 2pm-3:15pm on Zoom, we will be discussing:

Pauly BB, Mamdani Z, Mesley L, et al. “It’s an emotional roller coaster… But sometimes it’s fucking awesome”: Meaning and motivation of work for peers in overdose response environments in British Columbia. Int J Drug Policy. 2020; 88: 103015. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2020.103015

When reading, please consider:

  • What does “real” peer engagement in research mean, as opposed to tokenistic engagement?
  • How were peers integrated into each part of this study – design, data collection, analysis, write up?
  • Is this an approach that can be applied to all qualitative research? Why or why not?
  • What do you think are the challenges in applying this approach to your own research interests?

You must register to attend:

This event is capped at 50 to encourage active and fruitful discussion. If you are registered to attend, please read and reflect on the above paper and questions before the meeting.

Save the date

Next meeting (also 2pm-3:15pm): Tuesday 23 February

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QMJC #1 Write-up

Meeting #1 (November 2020) – Lyons et al. (2016)

In our first meeting on Wednesday 11 November, we discussed Lyons et al. Facebook and the Fun of Drinking Photos: Reproducing Gendered Regimes of Power. Journal of Marketing Education. 2016: 45-53. doi: 10.1177/2056305116672888

This beautifully written qualitative paper examines the meanings which young adults attach to sharing drinking photos on Facebook, and explores how these practices are gendered.  The memorable title clearly conveys the topic, indicates the paper will focus on respondents’ perceptions (aligned with pleasure, rather than risk) and introduces the claim that ‘fun’ drinking photos ultimately reproduce gendered and heteronormative regimes of power.  The authors argue that while both men and women manage their online identities to some extent, the tensions inherent in performing an empowered and sexy femininity in the ‘culture of intoxication’ (Griffin et al 2013) lead to more intensive engagement by young women.  This curation of online displays (taking, uploading, tagging and untagging photos) is then disparaged as trivial and self-indulgent ‘women’s work’ by young men… [Read on]

Professor Carol Emslie

Read the full report on the SSA website

Qualitative Methods Journal Club Meeting #2

SARN is supporting Professor Carol Emslie (SARN Co-Chair) and colleagues at the Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) Substance Use Research Group to host the upcoming series of the Society for the Study of Addiction (SSA) funded Qualitative Methods Journal Club (QMJC) from November 2020 – April 2021.

The QMJC highlights best practice through its selection of good quality qualitative research papers. After each meeting, a summary of the discussion from the Journal Club will be made available on the SSA website: https://www.addiction-ssa.org/hot-topic/qualitative-methods-journal-club/

In our second meeting on Tuesday 15 December from 2pm-3:15pm on Zoom, we will be discussing: Drabble & Trocki (2014) Alcohol in the life narratives of women: Commonalities and differences by sexual orientation, Addiction Research & Theory, 22:3, 186-194, DOI: 10.3109/16066359.2013.806651 A PDF is available on PMC: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4063308/

You must register to attend:

This event is capped at 50 to encourage active and fruitful discussion. If you are registered to attend, please read and reflect on Drabble & Trocki (2014) before the meeting.

Save the date

Next meeting (also 2pm-3:15pm): Thursday 14 January