The KBS Society journal has published a new issue of IJADR

The papers in this issue are listed below and can be downloaded from This issue includes authors from Australia, Columbia, Ghana, Germany, Sweden and the United States.

Vol 3, No 2 (2014)


Alcohol’s harm to others: Quantifying a little or a lot of harm

Sarah Callinan


Determinants of drink-driving and association between drink-driving and road traffic fatalities in Ghana

James Damsere-Derry, Francis Afukaar, Gavan Palk, Mark King


Alcohol’s harm to others: Using qualitative research to complement survey findings

Elizabeth Manton, Sarah MacLean, Anne-Marie Laslett, Robin Room


The association between alcohol restriction policies and vehicle-related mortality in Cali, Colombia, 1998-2008

Jorge Mena, Álvaro I. Sánchez, María Isabel Gutiérrez, Juan-Carlos Puyana, Brian Suffoleto


The effect of sample selection on the distinction between alcohol abuse and dependence

Martin Steppan, Daniela Piontek, Ludwig Kraus


Alcohol use and health care utilization in rural Liberia: Results of a community-based survey for basic public health indicators

Ana A. Weil, Corey M. Cameron, Jacob Soumerai, Kerry L. Dierberg, Alphonso Geelue Mouwon, David R. Kraemer, Daniela Lewy, Patrick T. Lee, John D. Kraemer, Mark J. Siedner

Alcohol Policy in Practice Postgraduate CPD Course

The University of Stirling are delighted to announce that the Alcohol Policy in Practice course run by the UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies (UKCTAS) is now ready to take applicants.

The course offers excellent, current and robust learning about issues in alcohol policy and practice, and a unique opportunity to network with leading academics and policy-makers in this field. The course is aimed at those involved in alcohol strategy or reducing alcohol-related harm locally or regionally. Please circulate the attached flyer to all your networks. We can facilitate early invoicing to enable use of 2013/14 funds where relevant.

You can read more about the course on our website, download the full programme or access the course flier.

If you would like to receive occasional emails about this course and other news from UKCTAS in future you can check out the details and sign up here.

Enquiries should be directed to Niamh Fitzgerald, Course Co-Ordinator at the University of Stirling.