SARN Think Tank: ‘Informing the future alcohol-related research priorities and agenda in Scotland’

The Scottish Alcohol Research Network (SARN) hosted a Think Tank event on Friday 6th March at the Centre for Carbon Innovation in Edinburgh.

The event was to help promote alcohol-related research and development activities across and between sectors with the aim of working collaboratively. The event was attended by researchers, policy makers, NGOs, service users and service providers, who exchanged their ideas and established constructive partnerships.

Photo highlights

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    Dr Aisha Holloway and Eric Carlin

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Alcohol-related brain damage report highlights concerns

A report into alcohol-related brain damage (ARBD) should serve as a “wake-up call”, Alcohol Concern Cymru said.

It highlights the condition, known as ARBD, which it says is poorly understood by the public and the health service leading to under-diagnosis.

Symptoms include confusion, memory loss and difficulty reasoning as a result of heavy drinking.

The charity is using the report to raise awareness to help develop improvements in prevention and help.

To find out more visit BBC News

Dr Holloway begins secondment as Honorary Nurse Consultant

Dr Aisha Holloway has begun a 2 day a month secondment as Honorary Nurse Consultant for Alcohol Policy & Research with the Alcohol Policy Team at Scottish Government.

Aisha has a particular interest in enhancing the profile and status of nursing alcohol related research at policy level and fostering academic and policy collaborations. During the secondment Aisha will be facilitating and leading on a programme of work related exploring the delivery of Alcohol Brief Interventions in Policy Custody in Scotland.

“I am committed to increasing the capacity and capability of nurses contribution to policy development. Working alongside colleagues in the Alcohol Policy Unit will offer a unique opportunity to engage with policy development in relation to Alcohol-related harm in Scotland. I welcome the opportunity to lead on The Alcohol Brief Intervention Project in Policy Custody settings project.”

Development, delivery and evaluation of Alcohol Brief Interventions is a key area of Aisha’s programme of research.

Public support for minimum pricing in England

Public support for minimum pricing of alcohol in England is greater than previously thought.

Analysis by the Institute of Alcohol Studies of submissions to the Home Office consultation on minimum pricing shows that the Home Office failed to distinguish between those responses that were against the principle of minimum pricing at any level, and those who actually wanted a price higher than the 45p proposed by the government.
