
The Scottish Alcohol Research Network (SARN) was launched following a Scottish Alcohol Research Summit in December 2012.

The aim of SARN is to promote a strong collaborative research forum for clinicians, academics and researchers with an interest in responding to alcohol related harm in Scotland, enabling us to co-ordinate and foster meaningful collaborations locally, nationally and internationally. If you have an interest in the field of alcohol-related harm please join us

“The Scottish Alcohol Research Network brings together those with the vision, passion and commitment to drive forward alcohol research in Scotland.”

– Professor Aisha Holloway, Co-Chair of SARN

Membership and Structure

The network consists of clinicians, academics, researchers, and relevant others with an interest in alcohol-related harm research. The Network meets three/four times a year. The group also welcomes members who are unable to attend meetings, but wish to contribute through electronic (e-mail), phone or postal contact.

Specific aims

The specific aims of the Scottish Alcohol Research Network are to:

1. Promote alcohol-related research and development activities across and between sectors
2. Engage fully with local and national research communities
3. Plan networking activities for multi-disciplinary engagement and dissemination of work
4. To work collaboratively with researchers, clinicians, academics, Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) and funders to exchange ideas, generate new thinking and establish constructive partnerships
5. To draw together and make accessible existing evidence, work and thinking
6. To inform and learn from the UK and International research agendas